Since 1992, the Lethbridge Family Services Angel Tree Christmas campaign's goal has been to ensure that every child has the opportunity to experience the joy of Christmas. We collect new, unwrapped toys during November and December each year, and distribute those toys in Christmas gift bundles to children and youth in the Lethbridge area whose families need help during the holidays.

Register for Angel Tree

Are you in need of assistance this Christmas? Applications must be submitted by December 3rd.

Pick An Angel

Help a child this Christmas by choosing a digital angel.

Official Toy Drop-Off Locations

Bring in your NEW, unwrapped toy to any of our official Angel Tree drop-off locations in the Lethbridge area.

How to Donate

Monetary donations allow us to purchase toys that are needed when the Angel Tree depot is running low.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Commonly asked questions about Angel Tree.


It takes over 200 volunteers to deliver the spirit of Christmas in Lethbridge. Find out how you can help!


Only with community support can Angel Tree make miracles happen.